Ppuja Shinde Apps

The Poona Club Limited 1.1
Ppuja Shinde
Poona Club and its lavish spread of 13.5acresof pristine English setting is I home to a myriad ofconfluences;people from exciting walks of life, attendants withwarmth rare tofind, facilities housed in ancient richness andmodern lifestylesblended effortlessly to provide every person thatwalks into it, afeeling of natural comfort and aspiring attraction.Carryingforward the legacy of cricket-loving founder Englishmen andtheirhat-haute wives; Poona Club is now host to modern sports likeGolf,Squash, Tennis and even indoor ones like Billiards and Cards.Apartfrom the pruned cricket lawns and four picture-perfecttenniscourts in its premises, the Poona Club's sport franchiseextends toa resplendent golf course that brings out the best oftopbusinessmen and corporate czars in and around Pune. What aftersomeheavy play you ask? Poona Club is equally home to a regalservingtable for many of the city's glitterati from theentertainment,sport, government, industry fields and prominentcorporates whofrequent its arresting Bar Room and dignifiedConversation cornersover cocktails of business and pleasure.Overlooking the idyllicgreens ville of the welcoming lawn are theclub's lazying loungeand twin-restaurants. So, while the familymarries around thejogging track or courts the kitchen's saunteringaroma; socialfestivities and theater screenings lace the atmospherewith theperfect community feel that is touching and enlivening. Andwithaffiliations all over the world, Poona Club is just the rightworldof a club. For you, and your family. For life.